Sunday, June 28, 2009

Let Lit Be

For all the dunces who dont noe what an acrostic is refer to

and then read this...

Life in a metro
I positively dread
The hours of solitude
Can mess up your head
Lots of meaningless love
Understandably can be made
But screw it up and you’ll
Have to lay your maid
Apart from that
Some also like the money
Though the friends you make
Often don’t leave you with any
On a lonely, rainy night
Men sit beside streams
And wonder how come they
Never followed their dreams
Yesterday you made choices
Could today have been better?
Or are we just pawns whose thoughts
Never matter.
Vices and sins
Encumber your way
Now my rhyming pattern is screwed
Ending an awesome day
Rock on oh conveners we will do our bit
Shanbhags and Srivastavas, Srivatsans and Madhavs we really love lit